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Fostering Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Belonging through Coaching

Updated: Jul 24

The need to integrate the inclusive culture within organisations with respect to people and planet alongside, the current focus of the processes and profits, is felt more than ever before. There is a need therefore, to talk about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Belonging (DEIJB) in a systemic context for people’s and planet's wellbeing.

DEIJB has emerged as a pillar for business and Human Resources strategies as companies turn their focus towards building inclusive workplaces that drive sustainable growth and innovation.

Besides this, the fact that diverse/ heterogeneous workforce can drive innovation and while doing so make the most of myriad strengths brought to the table, is something that everyone experiences in the process.

Through this article, I tried to weave in the piece of our environment being an equally important stakeholder, if not more. And we are the guests on this planet, which has welcomed all us without any biases. This is an attempt to urge everyone to draw wisdom from environment as an metaphor when we talk about DEIJB and also reflect on how we are reciprocating to the environment. Fostering DEIJB culture is also a step towards aligning with the larger picture in this context.

am attempting to look at it through three lenses:

  1. Coaching systemic stereotypes and personal biases (of coach, as well as that of the client).

  2. Need to coach through a wider lens of diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and belonging (DEIJB).

  3. Understanding the need for evangelising DEIJB.

In this context, a genuine interest to understand the mindset of a coachee / client within a larger context of identity, culture, religious belief, socioeconomic realities etc; and how they perceive DEIJB, and the planet Earth as a stakeholder with respect to the presented coaching objective; and a genuine attempt towards enabling them in creating their own accountability towards their growth, can perhaps be explored. I would look forward to others perspectives too to explore this topic further.

With the generative questions listed below, the learning can be intended at an individual level; a dynamic engagement with a wider organisational system; in a wider context of ones outer circle; and an even wider context of the oneness with nature ( perhaps beyond that into spiritual context too ).

  1. Diversity : What bias are you holding at this moment as a coach/ coachee /client ? Limited to self interest, not open to seeing with the larger context, cognitive, sexual orientation, gender, age, ethnicity, colour, language or any other?

  2. Equity: How would you make a choice in order to create equity for self, others and all beings on the planet earth?

  3. Inclusion: What actions are you envisioning for yourself and the environment? ( Policy/ Governance / Evangelising /Building Capabilities / or any other)

  4. Justice: How can the system be fair to you or the others? / How are you impacting the system? / Are you open to being fair to others? (Compliances/ Policy/Governance/ Culture)

  5. Belonging: How have you (or how will you) contribute/ contributed towards inclusivity? What culture are you ready to contribute towards so that others bring their complete self to work? / How engaged are the employees and how do they express their needs of belongingness?/ How well is DEIJB embedded in the fabric of your organisation? / How can you create community and connection for them?

How can you create (or as a coach nudge the organisation to create) a psychologically safe space for authentic conversations, where the culture is inclusive of not just human beings, but also, welcoming of biodiversity conversations (inclusive of positive outcomes through combined thoughts, feelings and actions) and is sensitive towards the larger ecosystem?

Please share in the comments the questions that can help individuals and the organisations to move from holding on to their biases (which may or may not be serving us/them; or the system; and in wider context, the humanity) to being open towards fostering a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and belonging.

What question are you holding?

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